31 oct. 2019
Today Swich was honored to participate in the workshop of Eco-Impact.
Eco-Impact is a tailor-made program to bring individuals, businesses, public services, municipalities, NGOs, and organizations to their full potential of eco-responsibility.
Today Swich was honored to participate in the workshop of Eco-Impact.
Eco-Impact is a tailor-made program to bring individuals, businesses, public services, municipalities, NGOs, and organizations to their full potential of eco-responsibility. Concretely, they want to propose a kind of regime that aims to reduce its ecological impact. The project is to raise awareness of the state of the environment and also where is the exploitation of the main natural resources that we use. Then, they propose to calculate its ecological footprint and on this basis, they want to propose a follow-up on 3-6 months to reduce its ecological footprint using a points system. The person will be required to set goals and experiment with new, more sustainable consumption possibilities, all in a creative, caring and non-judgmental way.
Denise Welch and Mathilde are the founders of Eco-Impact
Denise has about twenty years of experience in the field of sustainable development and she has been involved in climate change programs in international organizations in Geneva. She also has done social and environmental audits of development projects in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Denise holds university degrees in agroecology and sustainable development. She is of American origin, married to an Italian and has just had a second daughter.
Mathilde also has about twenty years of experience in the field of ecology. She participated in the implementation of three socio-professional integration schemes and coordinated regional and national campaigns for the ecological transition. She has a university degree in economic and social history, which I completed with a specialization in the management of non-profit organizations. She also has two children and got married to their father, of foreign origin, like any international Genevan.
They believe the environment can not wait! The scientific community has been ringing the alarm for years. We are barely 30 years old to stop consuming fossil fuels, and severe political decisions are slow to be made. But everyone can act, at his level.